Director Gironi: The club does not want to sell Dovbik, other than pay 40 million euros

23 June 2024, 18:20 | Football
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The representative of the Catalans agreed with the drive of the Ukrainian transfer.

Ukrainian striker Artem Dovbik is currently performing at the 2024 European Championship in Nimechchyna in the warehouse of the national team of our region.

However, the discussion about this club's future does not seem to be happening - the supply of the transfer of the 27-river Viconavian, not only to Atletico Madrid, but also to the Italian Napoli and Milan.

The combination of these new developments prompted the director of Gironi, Quique Carcel, to comment on the situation of the greatest scorer of the remaining La Liga champions.


What if potential buyers have to pay 40 million euros... Well, there’s no hope, you’ll have to sell,” said the Spanish functionary.

Dovbyk scored 25 goals and provided 10 assists during the season.

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