Cucurella: Spain needs to straighten the amends

16 June 2024, 13:01 | Football
Марк Кукурелья, Getty Images
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The Spanish national team had previously decisively defeated Croatia in the first round match of the 2024 European Championship in Berlin as part of Quartet B.

Germany - Scotland 5:1 Video of goals and review of the Euro 2024 match after the end of the match, Furies Roja manager Mark Cucurella commented on the performance of the powerful team.

" The first half for our viconn was very good, since then we simply controlled the group.

The team lost its first game in the tournament. However, we still have to correct the actions of the amends, don’t let them go, and we will continue to play in the match at such a great tournament as this one,” said the Spanish Vicont.

Spain will play the upcoming match against Italy on the 20th.

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