Ranieri: I would be happy to exchange and win the Premier League for the Scudetto with Roma

09 June 2024, 18:05 | Football
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The prominent Italian completed his coaching career.

Leicester and Romy's great mentor Claudio Ranieri said he has only one regret, as he feels at the end of his coaching career. Quoted by the 72-Rich Italian TuttoMercatoWeb.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t win the Scudetto with Roma. Today I can say:

I would be delighted to trade him for the Leicester title.

When I arrived, the team was on ice for the rest of the season. I just snakes up the scheme for 4-4-2, Ruming the Ural Zakhisnikiv, putting Kant, Yaki Buv with an unremarkable motor, Yaki, Yachov, Yashov at Borotbu, defended і, yak meni, Mig Bi once Zrobiti Nais, I switch yogo with his head. Simple words,” said Raniere.

It was previously reported that Ranieri would leave Cagliari and end his coaching career.

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