Who was the best player of the national team of Ukraine in a friendly match with Nimechchina?

04 June 2024, 13:36 | Football
Німеччина - Україна, Getty Images
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Football Editorial. ua informs readers of the importance of the brightest footballer of the “blue-zhovti” in a friendly match against the Germans.

In a friendly match, which took place as part of preparations for the upcoming Euro 2024, the national team of Ukraine played to a zero draw with Germany, the state-owned continental province..

Football. ua is promoting to its readers the vote to recognize the team’s greatest football player, Sergiy Rebrov, in the last match against the German national team.


Calendar of matches of the Ukrainian national team at the group stage of Euro 2024:.

Rumunia – Ukraine (17 chernya);

Slovakia – Ukraine (22 chern);

Ukraine – Belgium (26 chernyas).

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