Ukraine U-17 completed its participation in Euro 2024 with a double from Dmitry Bogdanov over Cyprus

27 May 2024, 10:14 | Football
Україна U-17 — Кіпр U-17, фото УАФ
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Yuri Moroz's team beat the hospodars of the tournament in the rest of the round.

Read about the match later on our website.

Ukraine U-17 - Cyprus U-17 2:0 Goals: Bogdanov 30, 48 (pen. ) Ukraine U-17: Petrenko - Ribak, Barshak, Digtyar (Dankovsky, 89), Strilchuk (Sheleketa, 71) - Redushko (Lyusin, 71), Soroka, Vakulyuk - Denisov (Popov, 81), Bogdanov (Dragan, 81).

Cyprus U-17: Panaghi - Skafi, R. Dimosthenus (Gadzhileftheri, 75), Polychroniou, Vasiliou (Mihalas, 67) - Petoussis, Tsiortzis, Psilogenis - Evangelou (Lukaides, 55), C. Dimosthenus (P. John, 55), Christodoulus (Nikolau, 55).

Predzhenya: Evangelou, Christodoulou, Vasiliou, Tsiortis.

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