Bruno Fernandes: I love going to Old Trafford everywhere in the world

25 May 2024, 15:28 | Football
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The Portuguese wants to leave Manchester.

Manchester United captain Bruno Fernandes spoke about his career with the Mancunian club ahead of the FA Cup final with Manchester City. What words to suggest Fabrizio Romano.

" It starts with me. And it will begin today. We are to blame for the rest of the match against “Sita” and collapse forward.

. I don't want to go.

This has always been my cherished dream.

. If you talk to any fan, I'll tell you the same. We want to fight for the championship. We want to play champions in Liza. We want to go to the Cup final. Tse standard. This is what I want. This is what you deserve for everything.

. I want to buti here. My family wants to be here. If you have any doubts about this, you just need to look at my playlist on Spotify, and I’ll tell you everything,” Brun said..


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