Cagliari - Fiorentina 2:3 Video of goals and review of the Serie A match

24 May 2024, 14:25 | Football
Гравці Фіорентини, Фото:
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Watch the video of the best moments of the Italian Championship match, which will take place on May 23, 2024.

In the framework of the remaining round of the Italian Serie A, Fiorentina won a victory over Cagliari, which in advance guaranteed the preservation of registration in the largest division of the country.

In a productive match, the Violets were able to score as many as two goals at the end of the match, gaining a difficult two points for their team.

It is significant that for Cagliari head coach Claudio Ranieri this match was not only the last one in his season, but the last one in his coaching career as a whole.

Yours truly, here is a video of the highlights of the match between Cagliari and Fiorentina in the 38th round of the Italian Serie A 2023/24:.

Cagliari - Fiorentina 2:3 Goals: Deiola 65, Mutandwa 85 - Bonaventura 40, Gonzalez 90, Melo 90+12 (pen).

Cagliari: Scuffet (Aresti, 90) - Zappa, Mina, Obert, Augello - Deiola (Sulemana, 78), Prati - Nandez (di Pardo, 90), Viola, Luvumbu (Mutandwa, 78) - Lapadula.

Fiorentina: Terracciano - Cordero, Milenkovic (Martinez Quarta, 66), Ranieri, Biraghi - Bonaventura (Nzola, 74), Mandragora (Melo, 56) - Icone (Ivan Gonzalez, 56), Barac, Castroville - Belotti (Beltran, 74).

Next: Mina, Sulemana - Mandrake, Castroville, Biragi, Bonaventura, Nzola.

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