Carragher: Casemiro musit rosumiti: further – MLS or Saudi Arabia

07 May 2024, 16:13 | Football
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Liverpool's great defender, and none other than football expert Jamie Carragher, spoke about Casemiro's game with Cristal Peles (0:4).

“Casemiro, as a successful footballer, is responsible for understanding that he lost three matches in the championship – two matches in the championship and the FA Cup final. Then we will destroy MLS and Saudi Arabia.

I'm serious. Yogo agent, it’s my fault to tell you: finish it.

We knew him as one of the greatest performers who dominated Europe - and next to him Kros and Modric. I’m not far behind his achievements – having won the Champions League, winning the team from Brazil and Real Madrid.

I remember that when I finished my career, I told myself: lose football before, don’t lose football to you. Football today has deprived Casemiro Yoma of the need to put the edge on it and crumble away.

There is no need to subject the gravel to such testing. Tse buv Crystal Pelas. Not Manchester City, not Real Madrid, by all means to Crystal Palace,” said Carragher.

On Football. ua is available for viewing the video review of the match Crystal Peles - Manchester United.

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