Gadzhiev: Victory was very important for the emotional state of the team

07 May 2024, 15:45 | Football
Рамік Гаджиєв, СК Дніпро-1
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The young forward of Dnipro-1 Ramik Gadzhiev commented on his team’s victory in the UPL match against Kryvbas (1:0), in which he scored a possible goal.

\! More than radium, having scored a goal, we can overcome it. From now on I really want to help the team, because I’m entrusting the most powerful forces with me, and I’m really happy to play with them at the same time. And from now on I want to help you so that after the game we will be happy.

I respect you, we played very kindly, they shouted at us.

We knew that the stinks were playing on counterattacks, all Swedes, and we couldn’t give them space. Also, they tried to block this space and not give them time. I respect you, we got into trouble.

Victory is very important for the emotional state of the team. We haven’t overcome it for a long time, and Krivbas – having such a principled match, it was necessary to overcome it,” the club’s press service quotes Gadzhiev as saying..

On Football. ua available for viewing video review of the match Dnipro-1 – Kryvbas.

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