De Rossi – after 1:1 with Juventus: No one should make us happy, but the boys are in the mood, we must go to the mark, and at th

06 May 2024, 17:26 | Football
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Romi head coach Daniele De Rossi commented on the draw with Juventus (1:1) in Serie A.

The central match of the tour in Serie A ended in a tie (1:1). After winning, Wolves coach Daniele De Rossi said that a draw is a good result for his team.

" I can only write, please. There is nothing to keep us happy, but the boys are in a mood, they must go to the mark, and not calm down. Yes, the five graves, who have played ten thousand songs since their arrival. The stench is strong, even stronger.

We wanted to win, but the power was divided badly. We are obliged to report carefully, while maintaining clarity of mind.

We don’t have much money: if we waste the opportunity to score, we lament. If a goal is missed or a chance is wasted, nothing changes, the opponent loses himself."

About the fight for the Champions League “We can go to Bergamo to overcome. The match between Atalanta and Fiorentini has been postponed and will be played later. We cannot allow ourselves to be affected by this result.. Of course, everything matters, whatever happened, it happened,” De Rossi said.

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