Rats: In Ukraine there are graves who play in great bands, so if we take their value close, you will understand that we have a s

29 April 2024, 00:29 | Football
Разван Рац, Getty Images
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Razvan Ratzpovi for the group stage of Euro 2024 and the match with the national team of Ukraine.

“If the start is bad with the match with Ukraine, then Belgium will be the monster, the dragon of the group,” Razvan is quoted by Sport Ro.

" Voni made it through the playoffs, and we came out of first place. Ale tse can be introduced into oman. If you take the value of their players separately from the teams they play for, you will understand that we have a very strong national team in front of us, which had to beat Italy and reach the Euro without a playoff.

I am an optimist, I was an optimist as a Gravec. At the same time, we are also guilty of being realists. Please understand that we have an important group. Theoretically, Slovakia is also a better team than ours. In principle, let's go to the field.

Folding calendar. We have our first two games against the shortest teams in the group. Ukraine is a really, really good team.

Be careful, these football players really play in their teams. Without even talking about Belgium, there are a bunch of strong guys there. Slovaccini also has very good gravel. What will happen - be very important. Theoretically, Belgium and Ukraine are obliged to leave the group, but we have no chance, since all teams are starting from scratch."

In the Euro 2024 group, Belgium and Slovakia will play together with the national teams of Ukraine and Romania.

Based on materials: sport.ro

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