Polish ultras beat Khatskevich during the Zaglebie training hour

03 April 2024, 19:36 | Football
photo football.ua
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Belarusian fakhivets became a victim of Polish fans.

A group of football fans rushed to the training session of Zaglebie Sosnowiec, as a result of which the team's head coach Oleksandr Khatskevich was injured. Meczyki informs about this. pl.

According to Dzherel, during the team training hour on Wednesday, 3rd quarter, a group of hooligans showed up at the training session in Zagleb, but the situation did not end with a “simple riot”.

Oleksandr Khatskevich parrying a blow. In addition, the Belarusian can eliminate a number of kicks.

It is significant that Zaglembie Sosnowiec currently sits in the remaining place in the Polish Championship table, with 13 points to its credit after 25 rounds.

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