Boyko: Zvichaina gra, it’s hard, it’s too small to beat Rukh, it’s small but our victory

02 April 2024, 17:17 | Football
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The midfielder of the Cherkasy club shared his thoughts after the game with Rukh.

Physician of Cherkasy LNZ Vitaliy Boyko commented on his team’s defeat in the UPL match against Lviv Rukh (0:1).

" It was necessary to take advantage of our moment and not let it get to such a point that we would sit with our heads bowed. Vikorist your moments and never regret - about penalties, about VAR.

We found ourselves in such a game, no one wanted to lose it, there was a human game. I respect that we didn’t lose, we just couldn’t take advantage of our moments and in the end we paid for it.

Penalty? I don’t know, I didn’t even look at it, but if the referee marveled at the VAR, then, melodiously, it’s a clean penalty,” the club’s press service quotes Boyka.

On Football. ua available for review video review of the match Rukh - LNZ.

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