Napoli knows a replacement for Osimgen in Rotterdam

24 March 2024, 22:41 | Football
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The Nigerians would soon deprive Naples of their entry for everything.

The attacker of the Rotterdam Feynord Santiago Jimenez may join the Italian Napoli. GFNI informs about this.

According to Gerela, the 22-Rich Mexican can become a replacement for Victor Osemgen, who is very likely to deprive Naples of the coming summer. However, Napoli does not plan to make a temporary substitution for the Nigerian footballer, the “partenopeia” will need an attack force that will help the team in the long-term prospects. Kerivnitstvo Napoli is a candidate for Jimenez.

The price for the transfer of forward Feynord could be close to 50 million euros.

The current contract with the club is up to 30 rubles 2027 with a salary of 1.8 million. euro per river. Transfermarkt estimates it at 45 million. Euro.

This season, Santiago Jimenez played 35 matches for Feynord, scoring 24 goals and providing 5 assists.

It was previously reported that Napoli was ready to pay 55 million for Sudakov’s transfer. Euro.

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