Laporta: Super League to resume in 2025

24 March 2024, 20:57 | Football
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The devil's turn in an already confused story.

The project of a new European club organization under the name Super League was born out of several fates. Proceed through the intense operation of the new clubs that you have started, in order to avoid confusion and weaken the fluidity of the media coverage of the implementation of your ideas.

If the process has left no one behind, the organizers, most importantly the president of Real Madrid, Florentino Perez, and the Catalan Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJoan Laporta, will continue to push their ideas into the open..

The rest of the recent interview with the Spanish press, where the project is currently underway.


If we had ruined the tournament for two years, we would have already earned a few pennies,” said the Blaugranas functionary..

We guess that it recently became known that Superliza will have to escape the powerful name through inconsistency in escaping.

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