Calzona: I don’t think about signing a new contract - the house with De Laurentiis is only covered for the coming months

24 March 2024, 17:14 | Football
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Kermanich Napoli commented on his upcoming anniversary.

The Italian fajave Francesco Calzona, in the middle of the current season, became a strong warrior for the Neapolitan Napoli, who during the campaign changed three coaches, and after which he began to gain momentum.

However, the 55-year-old Fahivets, in this case, is faced with a difficult choice, including the new contract with the Slovak Football Federation to install the head coach of the national team, as well as the near future of home ownership. from Napoli.

Kermanich commented on the situation that has developed in an interview before.

" The dual role of a club coach and a national team coach is only possible if there are no official matches, as far as I understand.

In fact, I’m not thinking about signing a new contract, since the house with De Laurentiis is only insured for the coming months.

I have a contract with the Slovak Federation, which I am grateful for allowing me to coach my world’s team. We'll crumble away, and then we'll marvel.

I look forward to achieving success with Napoli,” said the Italian favet.

It is a good guess that the title champions of Italy will go ahead in the championship and will play the upcoming match at home against Bergamasco Atalanti.

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