Kroos: We were able to take with us all the training for the rest of the year

24 March 2024, 16:01 | Football
Тоні Кроос, Getty Images
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Previously, in a friendly match in Lyon, the National team beat France.

France - Germany 0:2 Video of goals and review of the match After the end of the match, Bundesteam senior Toni Kroos shared his sweet expressions as he looked down on the field.

" I think we’ve earned a lot of money in advance, a very respectable amount of money in advance.

We are now going through the rest of the meeting on the way to the Euro, so that already at the tournament itself we feel at our best.

We had a really good training week, but we often had evidence that the training week before the game was good, and then everything didn’t go according to plan.

Our father was able to take all the efforts with us to today’s game. I think that if I see, for example, how Max Mittelstedt plays in his first international match so calmly, then, insanely, it means.

I think that we can be very satisfied with this performance and the result of the zokrem,” said the German Vikon..

The upcoming match of the national team will be played against the Netherlands on 26 February.

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