Gaverts: They got into a bad mood

24 March 2024, 15:09 | Football
Кай Гаверц, Getty Images
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In a friendly match, the French national team sacrificed on the strong field of Germany.

France - Germany 0:2 Video of goals and review of the match After the end of the game, Bundestim striker Kai Gavertz shared his sweet expressions as he looked at the player on the field.

" I think we controlled the game well, especially in the other half. We had one or two good chances to score more goals, especially for the sake of beating such a rival.

I think we played really well with the ball. Nobody was behind the superniks. Everyone was ready to take over the transmissions.

I think that this has made things easier for us between the lines.

My goal? It was very welcome for me to score here today. And right now I’m just happy that I can play football with these guys. We have a lot of goodies in our in-line warehouse. If I play, as the graves instruct me to play with me in such a manner, then it’s simply miraculous,” said the German Vikon..

The upcoming match of the national team will be played against the Netherlands on 26 February.

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