Marotta: We are creating a team with great potential and satisfied with the people we have

18 March 2024, 10:30 | Football
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The sporting director of Inter came up with the idea that the club would support the project.

Beppe Marotta has confirmed the latest performances of Inter Milan.

" We are well aware that we are looking forward to a successful season"

“Only the best teams can win the championship, while the best teams will always win in Europe, there are a lot of different factors at play, from the draw to the end of the day.

Following the old rule of scoring away goals, we would have reached the quarter-finals of the Champions League. There have been amends, and we must pay heed to them, so that we can be strong in the future.

We are creating a team with great potential and satisfied with the people we have. I don’t understand how you can not be positively surprised by this season.

We occupy first place in the table with a good wind, but there is no harm in resting on our laurels.

There are a lot of great points that we can take, and we want to achieve these goals, as evidenced by the record by points. We are focused on the achievements of something supernatural.

Before the end of the season, we will add funds to the contract with Lautaro Martinez. The infection is still being given to other diseases, and the process has been completed, except with this miracle agent, and there is no other way to proceed, besides continuing to treat anyone else."

Narasi Inter is the leader of Serie A.

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