Rayo Vallecano beat Betis

18 March 2024, 10:02 | Football
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Today's match of the 29th round of the Spanish Championship will take place.

In the match of the 29th round of the Spanish La Liga, Rayo Vallecano beat Betis at home with a score of 2:0.

The match was decidedly out of whack at the end of the first half, when Florian Lejeune scored the scoring blow at the home side.. Then, on the 79th century, the transfer of the Rayo rootstocks of Sergio Camelho.

After 29 rounds, Rayo scored 29 points and is in 15th place in La Lisa, while Betis has 42 points and is seventh in the row..

Rayo Vallecano - Real Betis 2:0 Goals:

Lejeune 40, Camelho 79.

District Vallecano: Dimitrievski - Balliu, Mumin, Lejeune, Chavvaria (Espino, 68) - Palazon, Lopez (Ratiu, 78), Valentin, De Frutos (Trejo, 78) - De Tomas (Cameglio, 60), Garcia (Cisse, 60.

Real Betis: Silva - Ruibal, Pessella, Riad, Miranda - Rodriguez, Cardoso (Isko, 54) - Fornals (Rodriguez, 85), Fekir (Carvalho, 68), Perez (Ezzalzuli, 82) - Jose (Diao, 68).

Next: Thomas, Mumin, Lejeune, Siss - Perez, Pessella, Isko, Carvalho.

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