Without Bondarenka, Kriskiva and Mikhailenka: Rotan has problems with the warehouse of the Olympic team U-23

17 March 2024, 23:19 | Football
photo football.ua
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Changes have been made at the national team's warehouse.

Today's Olympic team of Ukraine was gathered from Kiev, the signals are from Chop. The UAF press service reports this.

Tomorrow, the Ugric town of Szeged will begin its initial training camp before the friendly match against Japan, which will take place on the 25th of February in Fukuotsi.

Unfortunately, Artem Bondarenko, Dmytro Kriskiv and Mikola Mikhailenko will not be able to help the Olympic team through their injuries..

Natomist head coach of the national team Ruslan Rotan called on the retired Oleksandriya Artem Kulakovsky.

Warehouse of the Olympic collection of Ukraine Goalkeepers: Kiril Fesyun (Kolos), Georgiy Yermakov (Olexandria).


Anton Bol (Zorya), Mar'yan Farina (Metalist 1925), Roman Didyk (Rukh), Maxim Dyachuk (Dynamo Kiev), Andriy Buleza (Karpaty), Oleksandr Martinyuk (Olexandriya), Egor Matsenko (Shlonsk, Poland).

Students: Eldar Kuliev (Zira, Azerbaijan), Ivan Zhelizko (Lechia, Poland), Artem Kulakovsky, Kirilo Sigeev, Denis Shostak, Artem Shulyansky (Usi - Oleksandriya), Oleksandr Nazarenko (Polyssia), Oleksiy Sich, Oleg Fedor (resentment - Ru x.

Forward: Mikola Kukharevic (Swansey, Wales).

As a reminder, the draw for football tournaments for the 2024 Olympic Games will take place on the 20th of February in Saint-Denis.

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