Mudryk took down the average rating for the match against Leicester

17 March 2024, 20:55 | Football
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The Ukrainian's score in the English Cup has become known.

Chelsea beat Leicester (4:2) in the quarter-finals of the FA Cup and became the third runner-up in the tournament after Manchester City and Coventry.

Ukrainian Mikhailo Mudryk Viyshov at the starting warehouse and testing on the field 78 Khvylin. During this hour, you earned 16 passes, 13 to be exact. Vikonav 1 key transmission and two hangs that did not reach the goals.

In addition, Mikhailo punched 1 time at the goal line, 1 time - turned the gate and 1 shot was blocked. And the 1st shot of the Ukrainian took on herself the stance of a thief.

Mudryk also picked up 1 foul and wasted the ball 11 times, picked up the ball 1 time and two dribbling attempts were successful.

SofaScore rated the Ukrainian performance with a score of 7. 0, which is the average score in the team.

Read about the match on our website.

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