Sudakov: For one hundred hundred square kilometers we will be ready for 21 weeks

17 March 2024, 20:13 | Football
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Team Ukraine's senior manager Georgiy Sudakov shared his enemies in the process of preparing the Ukrainian head team for the semi-final match of the Euro 2024 playoffs with Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Football player of the national team of Ukraine Georgiy Sudakov commented on the upcoming Euro 2024 playoff match against Bosnia and Herzegovina.

" There was a two-way game - it was carried out by those who planned. The preparations for the match against Bosnia are already in full swing, and we are all done. Hundreds of different models of games are available, and this means that you need to work on the field.

Whether from the graves, who gets to work, everyone knows, there are no food and problems. Are we ready at this stage We still have a decade of training ahead of us, so for a hundred hundred rubles we will have 21 berez ready. I believe that in an official match I will be lucky enough to score the same goal as today’s two-sided team,” said Georgiy Sudakov. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Ukraine will be on Thursday, 21st February. At the finals, the team of Sergei Rebrov can meet with Israel or Iceland.

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