Filippo Inzaghi can turn around to Salernitani

17 March 2024, 19:33 | Football
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Teams need to compete to reach Serie B.

Salernitani is considering the possibility of hiring Filippo Inzaghi to become head coach, Sky Sport Italia reports.

Finally, they retired from the fierce 2024 fate, after which Fabio Liverani became the Kermanic of the team. Under his leadership, Salernitana won more than one ball in five fights.

So the very same situation threatens the general director of the club, Walter Sabatina.

It is significant that under the leadership of Inzaghi, who was appointed head coach for the 2023 season, Salernitana gained its strength in the current season of Serie A two victories.

Guess what, yesterday, 16th February, the club from Salerno gave up the house of Lecce.

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