Doku: I keep stealing and stealing

17 March 2024, 18:37 | Football
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The Belgian wants to make more of himself.

Manchester City winger Jeremiah Doku commented on his team's performance in the FA Cup quarter final match with Newcastle (2:0). Quoted by a Belgian from The Guardian.

" Let me rise to my best form. I think I'm just getting bigger and bigger. The team earned the very best that our coach wanted and scored a number of great goals.

We controlled the situation, otherwise it would be necessary to be careful with their counterattacks - the stench of the Swedish soldiers in the attack, which would crush the vikory space behind the backs of the defenders. “Ale mi didn’t give them a chance to create problems for us,” said the 21-river gravel.

Guess what, Jeremie Doc joined the “locals” last summer, moving from the French Rennes for 60 million. Euro.

This season, the Belgian played 33 matches for Manchester City, scoring five goals and providing six assists.

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