Manchester United - Liverpool: bookmakers' forecast for the FA Cup match

17 March 2024, 17:49 | Football
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Find out what you bet on next year.

The quarter-finals of the English Cup will have a classic matchup - Manchester United vs Liverpool. Zustrich will go to Old Trafford.

Jurgen Klopp's team is the favorite for the upcoming match. So, you can bet on Liverpool to win with odds of 1. 70, so the success of Manchester United is assessed by indicator 4. 50.

The likelihood of a negative result is assessed by indicator 4. 70.

To pass Liverpool, give odds of 1. 39, for the passage of Mancunians - 3. 27.

So what should we bet on

We suggest you bet on those that the offending teams will forget with odds 1. 42.

You can also bet on Manchester United scoring and Liverpool winning the match with odds 2. 27.

Finally, you can bet on Mohamed Salah scoring a goal, the odds on this bet are 1. 88.

The match between Manchester United and Liverpool will take place on the 17th of February, at 17:30 at Kiev time. On Football. ua online text broadcast of the match will be available.

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