Bondarenko, Kriskiv and Kukharevich went to the warehouse of the Olympic team of Ukraine

06 March 2024, 21:01 | Football
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22 stages have passed before the application of the Olympic national team.

UAF on its official website published the warehouse of the Olympic collection of Ukraine, which will carry out the initial training collection in Ugorshchina.

Guess what, the youth team of Ukraine under the leadership of Ruslan Rotan reached the Euro 2023 semi-finals, which is why they got a historic trip to the Olympic Games 2024, which is to come near Paris.

The Olympic team selection will take place from 17 to 27 Berezny in the Ugric town of Szeged. A friendly match against Japan is also planned, which will take place on February 25 near Fukuoka..

22 players were sent to the warehouse of Ruslan Rotan's team.

Warehouse of the Olympic collection of Ukraine Goalkeepers: Kiril Fesyun (Kolos), Georgiy Yermakov (Olexandria).

Zahisniki: Anton Bol (Zorya), Mar'yan Farina (Metalist 1925), Roman Didyk (Rukh), Maxim Dyachuk (Dynamo Kiev), Andriy Buleza (Karpaty), Oleksandr Martinyuk (Olexandriya), Egor Matsenko (Shlyonsk).

PIVZAHISHISKI: Yeldar Kulіv (Zira, Azerbaijan), Ivan Zilizko (Lechi, Polish), Mikola Mikhailenko, Kirilo Sіegev, Denis Shostak, Artem Shulyansky (Usandandriya), Oleksandr Nazarenko (half -haze), Oleki Sich, Oleg Fedor (Objuzhdva - Rukhi - Ruhnva - Ruhnui - Ruhnva - Ruhjuytvva - Rukhuzhnva..

Forward: Mikola Kukharevic (Swansea, Wales).

It is clear that the draw for the OI-2024 football tournament will take place on the 20th of February in Paris.

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