Ponomaryov: Rukh gained lessons from the first match against Dnipro-1

06 March 2024, 21:01 | Football
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Kermanich Ruhu commented on the upcoming attack against Dnieper-1.

As part of the nineteenth round of the Ukrainian Premier League, Lviv Rukh will play an away match against Dnipro Dnipro-1.

Head coach of the Yellow-Blacks Vitaly Ponomariov shared information about the mood of the leading team before the upcoming match.

“Rukh doesn’t want to accede to the superniks, so we are preparing for the match with Dnipro-1 in the main regime, and we also focus on our own game. Of course, we understand how our opponent is on the field, but it’s still a headache for us to demonstrate our best football.

Our first goal is to overcome the skin disease, so we want to take revenge for covering up the lesion in the first one.. We all remember this: Rukh successfully started the duel, being active, having a lot of good moments, but not realizing them, then Dnipro-1 won two of our mercy.

This is a strong opponent, we have made some breakthroughs - the future game will try to correct its mistakes.

I can’t say what the daily changes are in the Dnieper-1 field after the winter break. The same heroes play and demonstrate brilliant football, and the candidates for the national team of Ukraine.

There are a lot of football players in our warehouse who can take the initiative and independently gain a share of the match.

Tse is a “sribny” prize-winner of the previous championship, and now the Dnieper people are on top of the tournament table. But for us it’s not so important, even against any rival Rukh wants to lose its principles and follow its line on the field. It’s important that our team achieved results and developed,” said the Ukrainian fakhivets.

Match Dnipro-1 - Rukh Vidbudetsya 8 February, about 13:00.

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