Subimendi: To be honest, I think that I have no excuse for stealing PSG

06 March 2024, 20:48 | Football
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Martin Subimendi assessed the defeat of PSG in the match of the 1/8 finals of the Champions League.

Real Sociedad forward Martin Subimendi commented on his team's defeat in the Champions League 1/8 final match against PSG (1:2).

“We were very impressed that the stinks were hammered into the first 15 Khvylin. Tse little buti navpaki. This is our plan: if we couldn’t score, we would like not to miss.

This goal greatly disrupted our plans, and it was important for us to score the first goal, which was already scored too late.

I think that we have carried out a very, very good campaign. This will significantly help us grow the plan to completion. Honestly speaking, I think that the stench was overwhelming, I have no truth. “But I think that this will lead to positive speeches and lessons that will be useful to us,” the UEFA press service suggests to Subimendi.

On Football. ua available for viewing video review of the match Real Sociedad - PSG.

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