Guardiola wants to keep Ortega in Manchester City

06 March 2024, 12:27 | Football
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“Mistyans” are not ready to settle with the German goalkeeper until he signs a new contract.

Manchester City reserve goalkeeper Stefan Ortega may change the club during the summer transfer window, as negotiations with the “Locals” for a new contract have been delayed. Journalist Florian Plettenberg reports about this.

According to Dzherel's information, the current agreement of the 31-river German goalkeeper with the "

It appears that Manchester City head coach Josep Guardiola is the great mischief maker Ortega and wants to keep him in the team, so they are already planning a new round of negotiations to extend the contract.

At the same time, Ortega is preparing to become the “first number” and is the subject of attention from the side of low other clubs, including the Belgian Anderlecht.

This season, Stefan Ortega played 9 matches for Manchester City in all tournaments, in which he conceded 11 goals and kept two clean sheets..

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