Cologne - Bayer 0:2 Video of goals and review of the Bundesliga match

04 March 2024, 09:21 | Football
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Watch the video of the highlights of the match of the German championship, which took place on March 3, 2024, 16:30.

Bayer beat Cologne in the class and was 10 points ahead of Bayern.

Alonso's auxiliaries mostly did not compete against one type of outsiders in the German Championship.

Review of the match:.

Cologne - Bayer Leverkusen 0:2 Goals: Frimpong 38, Grimaldo Garcia 73 Cologne: Schwebe - Carstensen, Hubers, Chabot, Fingraf - Alida (Tigges 83), Martel (Smitz 82), Ljubicic, Maina (Huseynbasic 83.

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