Brentford lost their main player until the end of the season

02 March 2024, 07:56 | Football
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Seriously poshkodzhenya otrimav Ben Mi.

Brentford's central defender Ben Mee is out until the end of the season due to injury, the official website of the Premier League club reports..

In an important match against West Gem, which took place on Monday, February 26th, the 34-year-old English team will be forced to forfeit the field in the 61st century. It was understood that I had recovered from a fracture of the gomilk-foot joint.

The scan showed that it is possible to miss the surplus for the 2023/24 season.

For the rest of the year 2 goals for Brentford in 18 matches (1,473 goals) in all tournaments of the streaming campaign. Last season, the Manchester City star was in a different place among all the Ukrainian drivers for the number of players on the field (3,362 versus 3,510 for goalkeeper Robert Sanchez).

At the beginning, 27th round of the Premier League, Brentford will win against Chelsea. The match will take place on Saturday, February 2.

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