The national team of Ukraine took a place in the division of the Women's League of Nations, suddenly defeating Bulgaria

27 February 2024, 23:40 | Football
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There will be a playoff match of the tournament.

As part of the playoff match for saving a place in the division, in the Women's League, the national team of Ukraine nominally accepted the team of Bulgaria.

The first match ended with a score of 4:0 to the “Sinyo-zhovti” measles.. In another match, Volodymyr Pyatenok’s team managed to defeat their supers.

In the first half, Ovdiychuk and Glushchenko established a comfortable advantage for the Ukrainian team, and closer to the end of the match, Shmatko brought the lead to a crushing.

Ukraine - Bulgaria 3:0 Goals: Ovdiychuk, 15, Glushchenko, 18, Shmatko, 81 Ukraine: Samson (Boklach, 84), Basanska, Shmatko, Korsun, Petryk, Ovdiychuk (Malakhova, 84), Apanaschenko (Semkiv, 71),. Ivanova, Kefalova (Dineva, 87), Naydenova, Petrova, Stankova (Parapunova, 71), D. Ivanova (Sergeeva, 74), Adrianova (Rasina, 46), Popadiynova (N. Ivanova, 74) Posted by: Dimitrova, I. Ivanova.

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