Barcelona is not ready to pay fees for de Dzerbi

27 February 2024, 23:13 | Football
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The Catalan club shows interest in the Italian Fachian.

Barcelona continues to work on rumors of replacing Xavi as head coach. How to cancel the loan after the end of the season.

Roberto De Zerbi from Brighton is considered one of the most likely candidates to replace the Fachivtsev.. The situation is complicated by the fact that access is specified in your contract.

So, Barcelona will have to pay 15 million euros for the opportunity to lure a coach, but the Catalan club, which is experiencing financial difficulties, is not ready to hire anyone.

De Dzerbi knows about this, so the Italian is trying to talk to Brighton bosses about how Barcelona should pay less.

Guess what, De Dzerbi has been coaching Brighton since spring 2022.

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