Manchester United officials asked for a day off after defeating Fulgham

27 February 2024, 21:56 | Football
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Prohanna Vikonavtsіv, ochіkuvano, was vikhileno.

A number of Manchester United players told the coaching staff that they wanted the week off after Saturday's defeat against Fulham, reports The Guardian..

Manchester United - Fulgham 1:2 Video of goals and review of match 24. 02. 2024 Call it, Eric ten Gaga's team gathers for warm-up and video analysis the day after the match. The lamentation of the unnamed gravitationalists cried out and was exhilarated.

The Viconians were told about their cravings, even though the Kermanic Mancunians himself did not know about this situation.

As the leaves fell, The Guardian reported that some Manchester United residents believed that the reason for the recent start was that the Dutch specialist had restarted the team during pre-season training.. They scolded those who started the campaign, feeling the same exhaustion as after finishing the previous one..

We remember that Fulgham’s hit in the 26th round of the Premier League interrupted the Mancunians’ five-match streak.

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