Maicon: I wouldn’t want to go back to Ukraine through the war

27 February 2024, 18:34 | Football
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The retired Shakhtar Maicon, who plays for the Brazilian Corinthians on loan, believes that he should not return to Ukraine.

" I wouldn't want to go back to Shakhtar. Club near the village of war. Those things that we have no control over.

Through the war and everything we went through, I wouldn’t want to go back there. Of course, I would like Corinthians to buy me, otherwise I have to respect the situation at the club.

“If Corinthians saw the money on me, we could have come up with the best benefit for Corinthians, and for Maicon, and for Shakhtar,” said Maicon in an interview with Pedro Ramino.

Dodamo, that the contract of Maicon iz Shakhtar is insurance until 2025.

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