Kendziora can become a full-time member of PAOK

27 February 2024, 18:04 | Football
Томаш Кендзьора, Getty Images
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The head of Dynamo Kiev Tomas Kendziora can become a full-time member of the Greek PAOK. This is reported by PAOK24.

According to Dzherel's information, the Greek club's leadership has changed its mind to the 29-year-old Pole, who has advanced his level of play and is now ready to sign a full-fledged contract with him.

Let's see what will happen next summer. Nezabar will look into negotiations between the club and the player, who are satisfied with the situation in Thessaloniki.

Guess what, Kendziora is playing for PAOK on loan until 2023. 41 matches this year and four goals scored.

Previously, Artem Kravets spoke about the transfer policy of the White-Blues.

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