FIFA announced friendly matches between teams from various confederations

27 February 2024, 15:18 | Football
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The debut games of the FIFA Series will be hosted by Algeria, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka.

FIFA announced on its official website a series of friendly matches between national teams.

The so-called FIFA Series will be launched in February during the international break - within its framework, friendly matches will be held between teams from different confederations. Vaughn is carried out on guys' rocks.

Based on the first information, the teams representing different confederations will conduct sparring matches in one region.

Meta - regular matches between teams from different confederations, which will bring more opportunities for development.

Algeria, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka will host the debut games. The matches will take place from 18 to 26 February.

The debut project will feature the following collections:.

Algeria: Algeria, Andorra, Bolivia, PAR;

Azerbaijan: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Tanzania;

Saudi Arabia A: Cape Verde, Cambodia, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana;

Saudi Arabia To: Bermuda, Brunei, Guinea, Vanuatu;

Sri Lanka: Bhutan, Central African Republic, Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka.

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