Rotan: Played a draw with the best team in Ukraine

27 February 2024, 13:13 | Football
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Alexandria's mentor shared his thoughts after the game with Shakhtar.

Head coach of Oleksandriya Ruslan Rotan commented on the draw result in the UPL match against Donetsk Shakhtar (0:0).

" A lot of current worries. For our newcomers, legionnaires - an extraordinary fight. I think they'll forget it forever. Such are the realities. Golovne that the match was played.

It is important that with such a team as Shakhtar they played a draw. This is positive for us. Play against the best team in Ukraine. I'm happy with the boys.

Dissatisfaction with the remaining 15 khvilins, if they emerged after the wind alarm.

We stopped putting pressure on the miners of Shakhtar and allowed us to calmly process the development of attacks at the first stage. Problems have begun for the defense. Let's talk to the boys about this very moment.

Zagalom, I bring satisfaction to the boys, satisfaction to the installations. We could have paid for the singing minds and for the shortest result,” the club’s press service suggested in Rotan’s words.

On Football. ua available for viewing video review of the match Oleksandriya - Shakhtar.

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