Fiorentina – Lazio 2:1 Video of goals and review of the Serie A match

27 February 2024, 12:50 | Football
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Watch the video of the highlights of the Italian Championship match, which took place on February 26, 2024, 21:45.

In the match of the 26th round of the Italian Serie A, Fiorentina beat Lazio at home (2:1).

The match was closed on the 45th quarter, if Alberto showed up at the Violets' goal.

However, in the middle of the second half, the leaders of the field gathered and the two scored the goal of the “eagles” - the authors of the goals were Kayode and Bonaventura.

Your kind regards, video of the best moments of the match Fiorentina - Lazio in the 26th round of the Italian Serie A-2023/24:.

Fiorentina - Lazio 2:1 Goals: Kayode 61, Bonaventura 69 - Alberto 45.

Fiorentina: Terracciano - Kayode, Milenkovic, Ranieri, Biraghi - Melo (Lopez, 89), Bonaventura - Gonzalez, Beltran (Barak, 80), Sottil (Mandrake, 85) - Belotti (Nzola, 89).

Lazio: Provedel - Lazzari, Casale, Romagnoli, Marusic (Hisai, 46) - Cataldi (Vesino, 62) - Guendouzi, Alberto - Isacsen (Zaccagni, 46), Anderson (Rodriguez, 78) - Immobile (Castellanos, 78).

Next: Genduzi, Vesino.

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