War, day 733. Ukraine and Norway began to worry about bezpekov's favor

27 February 2024, 12:40 | Football
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To your respects, information about the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine on the 26th of 2024.

The 733rd anniversary of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian large-scale military invasion has ended.

Lose the enemy:.

Middle of the news:.

- Ukraine and Norway have begun to worry about bezpekov’s favor.

- Prime Ministers of Canada and Poland Tusk and Trudeau discussed the problem with the transit of Ukrainian grain.

- The Order of Germany reported about the dispatch of the fourth party of military aid to Ukraine, until the artillery shells, drones and dismantling vehicles were gone.

- President Zelensky took part in the informal summit of about two dozen powers, which was organized by French President Macron in search of nobles to further support Ukraine.

- Zelenskyy Rospov, that Sirsky is splitting two plans for war, depending on the assistance of the United States.

- Minister of Foreign Affairs Kuleba appreciates that the full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine is the threat that the Kremlin poses to Europe, which has put an end to peace on the continent and its neutrality.

To protect the enemy's actions on close directions On the Siversky and Slobozhansky directions, the enemy maintains military presence in border areas, conducts sabotage activities in order to prevent the transfer of our troops to dangerous directions, widens the gap there are no mine-vibukhov fences around the sovereign cordon in the Belgorod region.

In the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the operational-strategic grouped military unit “Khortytsia” on the Kupyansky straight, Ukrainian soldiers defeated 6 enemy attacks in the area of \u200b\u200bSinkivka and Tabaivka of the Kharkov region.

On the Limansky straight, Ukrainian soldiers defeated 5 hostile attacks in the areas of settlements in Terni, Donetsk region and Bilogorivka, Lugansk region.

On the Bakhmutsky direct, the defense forces repelled 8 enemy attacks in the areas of settlements in Ivanivska and Klishchivka, Donetsk region.

In the area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility of the operational-strategic grouped army “Tavria” on the Avdiivsky direct, Ukrainian soldiers defeated 25 enemy attacks in the areas of Severny, Stepovy, Berdychi, Lastochkino and Nevelsky of the Donetsk region.

On the Mar'insky direct, the Ukrainian defense forces will continue to stream through the enemy in the areas of Novomikhaylivka, Georgiyivka, Pobeda and Krasnogorivka of the Donetsk region, where the enemy has attempted to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian troops 40 times.

On Novopavlivskoye, direct offensive actions were not carried out.

In Zaporizia, the defense forces directly repelled 6 enemy attacks in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Robotin and one attack in the Gulyaipil area of \u200b\u200bthe Zaporizia region.

Celebration of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky " The main theme is everything that will strengthen us in Europe, our resilience, capabilities: most importantly, our arsenals, our ability to create armor, supply of armor for Ukraine and uninterrupted support.

Everything we can do to protect ourselves from Russian aggression will provide our people with real security for decades to come..

Bottom line from Russian expenses and skin from Russian programs involves both Russia and any other adversary of Europe and the goal of a free world - it is common knowledge that aggression does not produce results and cannot be dated. The difference and the decisiveness are two types of evidence that tell everyone about the end of the war and the approach to the world.

To everyone who works like this for Ukraine! I wish everyone? There is for the sake of Ukraine"

Virimo u Zbroina Sili Ukrayin! Razom Mi - strength! Glory to Ukraine!

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