Shevchenko: It’s important that the boys come motivated

26 February 2024, 11:05 | Football
Фото: УАФ
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February 25th before the match of the 18th round Metalist 1925 - Dynamo President of the Ukrainian Football Association Andriy Shevchenko confirmed the number of current feeds on the UPL TB channel.

“We would like to once again acknowledge the boys and girls who serve in the ZSU and choose for us the possibility of living. I like to play football. All the fans wanted football to return after the winter break and watch the teams of a bright game, which gives positive emotions.

The selection of the national team of Ukraine is already imminent before the Euro 2024 qualifying playoff match with Bosnia and Herzegovina. The flights from the championship fly to Marbella, where representatives of foreign clubs also go every year. It is important that the boys arrive motivated, and that we learn from our side everything necessary for effective preparation,” said the UAF student.

Andriy Shevchenko also spoke about the important approaches that were made in his life for his part, and shared his thoughts on how to strategically save the country’s football resource.

“I am in contact with representatives of the UPL and PFL, and there were no daily exchanges before the meeting. One of the main things that was destroyed was the Judgmental theme. The Committee of Arbitrators was displeased by Katerina Monzul, who refused the opportunity to formulate her team and demonstrate her practice. Connectable lie detector, foaling. Golovne - turn the trust to our judges.

Let us save our football resource beyond the border. We know about many children who were tempted to leave Ukraine through a large-scale invasion of the aggressor.

And they gathered from this drive at the recent UEFA Congress in Paris with representatives of various associations - the Croatian Federation, which provides similar evidence.

We will keep an eye on our young football players who are starting their careers in academies in other countries - England, Germany, etc.. It is also important to establish contact with their families. We’ll see the maximum that lies before us, and we’ll believe that they’ll turn around,” the UAF President said.

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