Srna: Kaschuk was inspired to go to Hajduk

25 February 2024, 18:11 | Football
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Shakhtar's sporting director Darijo Srna said that the club was interested in the transfer of Oleksiy Kashchuk due to Hajduk.

Shakhtar striker Oleksiy Kashchuk has a chance to move to the Croatian Hajduk, lest he lose the Ukrainian club. Shakhtar sporting director Darijo Srna told about this.

“The president of the club and I discussed the transfer of Kashchuk, who is a leading winger, but at the end of the day, the agreement was lost, leaving the gravets with the idea that he didn’t want to transfer.

I had a great desire to help Haiduk, Kaschuk is a very good gravec,” - Rospov Srna.

Previously, Georgy Sudakov confirmed that teams were trying to sign him during the winter transfer window.

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