Xabi Alonso gives Bayern the lead over Liverpool - Plettenberg

22 February 2024, 05:20 | Football
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Prote at the same time the Spanish fajivet is entirely concentrating on work in the Leverkusen Bayern.

Earlier, Bayern Munich officially announced that Thomas Tuchel would remove the position of head coach of the first team at the end of the current season.

As it was reported earlier, the German giants' team wants to take over Xabi Alonso as their next step, and, according to journalist Florian Plettenberg, the head coach of Bayern Leverkusen gives the advantage to Bayern itself, not Leverkusen.

I wonder why Jurgen Klopp is following the football rock.

However, it is clear that Alonso is not currently in contact with other clubs and is mainly concentrating on his work in Bayer, which is also the top of the Bundesliga tournament table..

There are no hundreds of hundred-year guarantees that Xabi Alonso will definitely fit the Bayern proposal at the end of the season, so at this stage we should be optimistic about this option for extending his coaching career.

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