Update for Khatskevich: Dovgy and Sukhotsky passed from Zaglembie

16 February 2024, 20:36 | Football
photo football.ua
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Zaglebie sits in the remaining place in another division of the Polish Championship.

The city of Sosnowiec on its official website voted for the signing of two senior citizens - Oleksiy Dovgoy and Artem Sukhotsky.

Contracts with two Ukrainians are insured until 2024. In the first half of the season, the 34-year-old Dovgy played for the Lviv Rukh. This year there are 10 matches and one goal for another team at Another League.

31-river Sukhotsky has been without a club since summer 2022, having lost Chornomorets.

Guess what, the head coach of Dynamo Kiev, Oleksandr Khatskevich, is suffering from this fate.. During this hour, the team was replaced by Shakhtar goalkeeper Oleksiy Shevchenko, and former Mariupol manager Oleksiy Bikov also plays for the club.

At the moment, Zaglebie sits in the remaining place of another for the strength of the division of Poland.

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