Girona extended contract as main goalkeeper

15 February 2024, 17:59 | Football
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One of the original Vikonavians for the success of Michel's team.

Catalan Girona will continue to hold its regular season, continuing the fight against Real Madrid for the title of champion of Spain.

And as a result, Michel’s team does not intend to rest on the results already achieved, and key nutrients will soon be saved in the starting warehouse.

And there are already a lot of contenders for them.

Zokrem, the Argentine goalkeeper Paulo Gassaniga was matched by a number of great teams.

However, the 32-year-old gravitationalist signed in advance to extend his contract with the club until 2027.

It can be guessed that the Argentinean left Girona absolutely harmlessly, since last year the transfers were made on a full-time basis from the London Fulham with the river lease until now.

This season, Gassanig conceded 29 goals in 24 matches, losing to zero in all of them..

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