Klopp - about the idea with blue cards: I would have earned everything in a simpler way

09 February 2024, 23:55 | Football
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Liverpool's Kermanich talked about possible innovations in football.

Previously, The Telegraph published information that football plans to introduce a blue card. It is permissible for the referees to deduct 10 points from tactical fouls or to distinguish between people and official signs of matches..

Regardless of the fact that FIFA has already made a statement that the innovation should not interfere with elite football, Liverpool head coach Jurgen Klopp decided against this innovation.

" This doesn’t sound like a fantastic idea... but I can’t think of another fantastic idea from these guys from IFAB, and less than 56 years ago! "

It is significant that UEFA President Aleksander Ceferin is against the idea of \u200b\u200bintroducing a blue card.

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