Coach of the Czech Republic national team: Our team is clear - we are responsible for moving up to division A

09 February 2024, 12:34 | Football
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French Paris drew the fourth in the history of the UEFA National League, behind which the national team of Ukraine recognized their opponents and played against the B1 quartet from the Czech Republic, Al Baniya and Georgia.

Head coach of the Czech national team Ivan Hasek shared his disappointment with the results of the 2024/25 Nations League draw.

“I don’t want to be timid like rozrakhunki, like not being timid before foaling.

Our mission is clear - our culprits will be promoted to Division A. The group is balanced, it doesn’t matter who plays with whom. This will be a battle in a skin-to-skin match,” Ivan Hasek is quoted as saying by the official website of the Czech Football Association.

We guess that earlier the results of the draw for the National League 2024/25 were announced by the head coach of the Ukrainian national team Sergiy Rebrov and the Kermanic national team of Albania Silvino.

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