Ceferin – about the exit from prison of the UEFA President: We want to improve the right way of exposing these people

08 February 2024, 21:44 | Football
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Aleksander Ceferin asked why, having previously not spoken out about our plan, do not run for the fourth term of UEFA President.

The UEFA Congress supported the amendment to nullify the first term of the organization's president Ceferin. The Slovenian does not rush into such possibility and declares that he is not going to the fourth term. I also add that, having previously not spoken out about our intention, we will lose our seat.

“I definitely don’t want to reveal my thoughts earlier, because, first of all, I want to do the right thing by exposing these people, and I won’t,” said the Slovenian.

We remember that Ceferin was previously involved in financial fair play.

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