Tsukanov - about the contract with Shakhtar: Great progress for less

06 February 2024, 21:33 | Football
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Shakhtar's pensioner Viktor Tsukanov - about signing a new contract and adaptation.

Shakhtar announced the extension of the contract with the talented Vikhovan Viktor Tsukanov. Novaya Ugoda with 18-Rich Ukrainian is covered until 31 April 2028. The footballer shared his thoughts about a new contract.

" Showing off, not knowing what to do. To say the least, great progress, for two years I have been at the training camp with the first team, really hard work and a lot of hard work,” the club’s press service quotes the 18-year-old midfielder.

It was previously reported that Shakhtar's newcomer had to go through an injury for a number of years.

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